Top 10k strings from Magic Mountain (1983)(Phipps Associates).tap
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8 BREAK=1000 5 11111111111111111111111 3 break=1000 3 ;"Press a key to continue": 3 111111111111111 2 t|#D0$t|#,%$ 2 dL#xT$lp|a 2 b$="I already have it!": 2 I HAVE BEEN KILLED! 2 E$=C$(CP): 2 ;"through.": 2 ;"The door"; 1 ||y#U9#R9#O9 1O9#O9$| 1 |#X*""xp}!uR+#X*""x 1 | 6R1!jR8!nR1" 1 {~|#tD$zxxzrzp| 1 z|#M=$~|!p3D#t,$p|| 1 z#Y;$v|o}g{}~x 1 z!HJ'!Hx@" 1 x|swpzr|s~t 1 xL#|@$dxX|d 1 x$;"windy gulley."'"There is a fissure to my left and a rope hangs within reach. There is a small slit in the ground by my feet.": 1 x$;"store room. It is"'"filled with all sorts of rubbishthat has obviously been dumped here by someone in a big hurry."''"The door behind me is closed.": 1 x$;"rocky cavern."'"Here is a stall, where a witch stands selling calfskin parch- ments.": 1 x$;"prop room."'"It is obvious to me that Wizardsmet here secretly, since there are traces of powder, feathers and a few decaying frogs legs and bats wings.": 1 x$;"narrow passage." 1 x$;"musty cave." 1 x$;"low passage.": 1 x$;"long passage."'"The roof has fallen in towards the south, ";"and I cannot go fur- ther that way." 1 x$;"large vault."'"There is a heavy iron door em- bedded in the rock wall."'"A message scratched on the wall reads: ""I ALWAYS RETURN""." 1 x$;"large cave."'"There is a small kiosk with a dwarf inside. A poster outside the kiosk reads:-"'" ""SCYTHES SOLD & FORTUNES TOLD"""'"He is cleaning his fingernails with a curiously shaped dagger.": 1 x$;"dark gully." 1 x$;"cold cave."''"There is a pile of blankets on ashelf in one corner of the room." 1 x$;"bamboo thicket."'"Sunlight filters through the tall plants and shows up a huge steel door set into a rock wall to my left." 1 x$;"Witches dungeon!"'"I can see a tiny window, a solidwooden door, and the floor is paved stone slabs." 1 x#p@$py|nyvtx#T>$x||r 1 w~#1;${w|x~w{y 1 w|zw~t{t{s!^K)" 1 wish=wish+1 1 win=score>1500 1 v~y|yx#XH$~v 1 t~wyv|#iE$ 1 score+" out of 1600" 1 score)+("You have not scored anything yet" 1 rJ#|H$xx|]#xD$@|t 1 rJ#|H$px@|p 1 rJ#|G$hw|_#hB$P|h 1 rJ#|D$t|}z|w~y 1 pzt{x|r~v~xwp 1 ok=(b$=r$): 1 o(x)=q(x): 1 n=n+(y$=r$(y)): 1 m$(room,x): 1 m$(room,x) 1 l|\tl|!a`H!`T4!e\,!e+," 1 l8#|,$v{v|h 1 draw=(d$(1 1 d0#l4$|t#p,$| 1 d$="No hint here!" 1 b$=b$+" go that way" 1 b$=b$+" do that at present" 1 b$=("You have scored "+ 1 b$="What shall I do now?": 1 b$="What is your command, oh Master?" 1 b$="There is also:": 1 b$="There are 3 files to be saved": 1 b$="I have with me:": 1 b$="I don't understand that!": 1 b$="I don't have "+o$(n): 1 b$="I can't" 1 b$="I can't carry any more!": 1 b$="Do you want to try again?": 1 b$="Do you want to save this game?": 1 b$="Do you want to continue?": 1 b$="Better drop something first.": 1 b$="...Okay.": 1 b$=" nothing at all.": 1 b$=" - "+o$(x): 1 b$=" - "+O$(X): 1 Y$=A$(CP)(3 1 SCORE=SCORE+100 1 PL00A02F04.E04O. GTLZB13B01.D30J13J01B25E18M. GTLZB13C01.S69M. GTCNA32B03.B03L. LS00.A. GTSCA05F05.D53M. DRHTD05.H04F07C04L. DRSHD07.H06F06C06L. GTBLA14F19.B26E19L. DRBLA19B27E20.D36E21J27M. GTSPB14.D05Q. GTBTB11B14.D09M. DRBTB11F09.D24Q. GT00.S70L. DR00.S71L. RCRPA10F08.D01M. USSTA10B02F08.E08D02G0608M. SW00A10E08.K12O. SW00A12.K10O. USBKF07D15.D03M. USBKE07D15.D04M. FLSNA15E07D10.S68K12O. FLSNA12E07D10.S68K10O. FLSNA20D10.S68K19O. OPBXD25B14.D06J25J14B01M. OPBXD25.D07J25B01M. OPBXD01.D08M. UNBTD11F09.E09S77M. MVPTA18F10.D10M. MVPTA18.D11M. US 1 OK=(O(N)=ROOM 1 OK=(O(N)<0 1 OK=(N=ROOM 1 OK=(C(N)=1 1 O(N)=O(N-1 1 O(N)=O(N+1 1 N 01NORT01E 02EAST02S 03SOUT03W 04WEST04U 05UP 05D 06DOWN06GET GTTAKEGTDROPDRPUT DRIN INENTEINTHROINTHRUINOUT OTLEAVOTEXITOTUSE USGIVEUSREADUSINSEUSPUSHPSPULLPLOPENOPBUY BYWEARWRREACRCSWINSWRISEFLUNCOUNCLEAMVMOVEMVKILLKLCLIMCLSCALCLLIFTLFRAISLFCRAWCRUNLOULBOARBDPHOOPHCASKBXLIZALZCOINCNSHOESHHAT HTROPERPSTICSTBOOKBKGRIMBKSPIDSPBOTTBTPATHPTROCKPTDRAGDGPARCPCDOORDRSTONFLDINGBOPEN PECANESTCARPCPSCROSLMATCMTLANTLPLAMPLPSWORSWFIRESWKEYSKYKEY KYOARSOALISTLSINVELSLOOKLKQUITQTSCYTSCLIGHLTCUT USBAMBSTCATCGTTRAPTPBLANBLTIE KNKNOTKNFIRESWSCORSRSLABFLROW USSHINSNRETUFWTELLTLFORTFODWARDWBOX MTSTRIUSBOATBOHINTHISPENUSCLUEHIHELPHILEVEe1SWORi4SHIEi5CLOAi6KEY i7BOOKi8ROPEi9SQUIj0MIRRj1BOATh7RINGj2JUG j3SPEAj4EDELj5PANSj6WATEf3AXE j7PRINj8SYMBj9RUNEj9TREEk0ROCKk1SEVEk2VINEk3EAGLk4KNOBk5WALLm0YARRg5ZULPg6TRANg7KEEPk6NOTIk7BOARk7WATEf3JUG j3CANDk9STICl0HANDl1COINl2INGOl3FLUIl4JEWEl5DRAPi6DOORl6POTIl7MASKl8AMULl9WANDl0NEW m1URN m2COBWm4SCORm5LADDm6CIRCm7CUPBm8BRIDm9CRYSn0TIE n1INTOb9THRUb9TAKEa9CASKh1 1 MSCREEN 1 MOUNTAIN 8 1 MMAIN 1 M$(ROOM,RP): 1 IT IS DARK, I NEED SOME 1 I am in a o 1 GET ROUTINE 1 E$=A$(CP)(5 1 DROP ROUTINE 1 DESCRIBE ROOM 1 CONGRATULATIONS 1 CONDITIONS 1 CODE 1 CHECK FOR MOVEMENT 1 CHECK FOR CONDITIONALS 1 C(N)=C(N)-1 1 C(M)=C(M)-1 1 C(G)=C(G)-1 1 BX01ST02CN03HT04SH06PE08SC09CP10BT11SL12LZ13SP14BK15MT16LP23PC18SW19FL20KY21OA22BO17BL26HT05SH07LP24BX25 1 BREAK=1100 1 B$="Press any key to save next file": 1 B$="I don't have it!": 1 B$="I can't carry any more.": 1 B$="...Okay.": 1 ACCEPT COMMAND 1 A28D17C22.D19Q. D 1 A wooden casket A long bamboo cane A 1 A hint for you: 1 ;"way out"; 1 ;"river."; 1 ;"of the"; 1 ;"mountain."; 1 ;"locks mar-"; 1 ;"locked - I"; 1 ;"leads down": 1 ;"knotted"; 1 ;"ked 1,2,3.": 1 ;"jammed. I"; 1 ;"is totally"; 1 ;"is not"; 1 ;"is flowing"; 1 ;"in the"; 1 ;"has three"; 1 ;"hangs down": 1 ;"extremely"; 1 ;"cannot go"; 1 ;"can walk"; 1 ;"blankets"; 1 ;"be a hole"; 1 ;"appears to"; 1 ;"There are three files to load.": 1 ;"The water"; 1 ;"The ravine base"; 1 ;"The only"; 1 ;"The lock"; 1 ;"The foot"; 1 ;"The Maze": 1 ;"The Inner Temple": 1 ;"Start the tape & press a key": 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE"; 1 ;"Press a key": 1 ;"Press a key" 1 ;"Press a key to scroll...": 1 ;"Press a key to continue...": 1 ;"Press ANY key": 1 ;"Now start the tape & press a key"; 1 ;"Good luck!" 1 ;"Gaoler's"; 1 ;"Do you wish to LOAD a previouslySAVE'd game?": 1 ;"Chamber."; 1 ;"Are you starting a new game?": 1 ;"A wide"; 1 ;"A wet cave": 1 ;"A tunnel"; 1 ;"A rope of"; 1 ;"A rock face": 1 ;"A path goes " 1 ;"A hidden"; 1 ;"A door with 3 locks" 1 ;"A cave entrance": 1 ;"<< PLEASE WAIT >>"; 1 ;"<< LOADING >>" 1 ;" Welcome to Magic Mountain! " 1 222222222222222222222222 1 1983 Phipps Associates By Mike Farley Revised by Trevor Toms 22/4/83 1 1983 Phipps Associates 1 .N. .N. A21F12F06.D41Q. A10F25E08.T06. A10F25E08G06.D50G0610N. A12.E25N. A02F04.T07. A02F04G07.S64N. a 1 ** MAGIC MOUNTAIN ** 1 )="An uncorked bottle": 1 )="A corked bottle": 1 );"but a small path has been created by what may have been a thunderbolt." 1 );"I can feel a draught coming froma small wooden trapdoor in the floor.": 1 );"A rope hangs down from above andI can easily reach it." 1 )+room*(o(19 1 ))+("closed." 1 ("Lock ";x;" uses key:"); 1 '"There is just enough light to fumble along towards a dim glow at either end." 1 '"The lantern lets me see that the walls are covered in a dry reddish-brown substance.": 1 '"The door is "+("open." 1 '"Strange runes on the wall seem to make me feel nervous. They look as though they were carved into the rock untold ages ago.": 1 '"Some of the slabs have been"'"lifted revealing a small tunnel." 1 '"Is it just the wind or do I feela slight prickling of the hairs on the back of my neck?" 1 '"I can feel a draught coming"'"through a rectangular shape in the northern wall." 1 '"A tunnel to the east contains the body of a dead dragon, but I can still get through.": 1 '"A southerly passage seems omin- ously quiet." 1 '" Some of the objects are not always as innocent as they may seem - for instance, you should always be wary of picking up a creature with your bare hands!" 1 '" If you need further help now, type HELP, otherwise if you justpress ""enter"" I will begin to load the main game." 1 '" If you are having trouble trying to do something, it usually means that what you are attempting is beyond your (or my!) power. Try a different app-roach and you may succeed." 1 '" I will act as your eyes and hands while you guide me with simple sentences to find the Scroll. Use sentences such as: GO WEST or GET THE WIZARD'S HATor USE THE SCYTHE." 1 '" I am standing on an east/west path at the foot of a mysteriousmountain. Sorcerers gather here to summon their evil masters from other worlds. Legend speaksof a mystical Scroll of Wisdom hidden deep in the chambers of this mount." 1 '" From time to time I may come across some objects which may help you in your journey. At anytime, you can see what I am holding by typing LIST." 1 '" Directions are NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP and DOWN." 1 '" As this is a long game, when you QUIT you will be asked if you want to save your present position on tape ready to start again the next time." 1 $||||#N-$| 1 #|I$y~w|t{#EH$ 1 #|D$`|k~m~zw{xz|x 1 #H@$\|#H<$ 1 #@H$q}#PF$vzyuuutk#<.$~| 1 #<B$|_#HB$|j 1 #4H$t|#<D$|]#X8$p|| 1 #4D$~]#8I$}X#hD$z]#`H${Y#L%$~ 1 "Your aggressive intentions are anticipated by him and he leaps out of the kiosk, stabbing me with a berserk fury!" 1 "You've already bought it." 1 "You'll need a stick or something" 1 "You'll have to work harder than this to get any help from me!" 1 "You need to be fortunate to knowwhat today's secret code is..." 1 "You need money to buy anything." 1 "You must use your keys wisely - tell me which key fits which lock..." 1 "You managed to get the Scroll and come out of the Mountain in one piece! Next time, though, please try not to shout at me quite so loudly - my ears aren'tintended to suffer 120 decibel blasts! Just a gentle tap on my keys is quite sufficient." 1 "You have just jammed the lock beyond further use. Better try looking elsewhere for now." 1 "Who do you think I am? Madame Seesall?" 1 "What? Is it 8 o'clock already? Ireally must get this alarm clockfixed." 1 "What a din! My footsteps in thatlast corridor were so loud that I've woken the dragon - he's just turned me to toast!" 1 "Try dropping objects to make each passage seem different..." 1 "To the east is a dark passage and I can hear the heavy breath of a rather large dragon which Iwould prefer not to meet!": 1 "This machine only accepts gold coins, I'm afraid." 1 "This is the bottom of a vast ravine. My voice echoes all"'"around, making it an eeery placeto be. Another voice whispers ""BEWARE!"" in my ear.": 1 "The witch takes your coin and offers you a parchment." 1 "The spider lunges at my hand as I bend down, but I was quick enough to avoid it. However, I am unable to pick it up." 1 "The spider bit me! I have been fatally wounded!" 1 "The slabs are extremely heavy, but I've managed to do it. Hey! Look! There's a small tunnel that I may be able to crawl along!" 1 "The scythe slices through the bamboo and a long cane falls to the ground." 1 "The path is already cleared!" 1 "The parchment reads ""PHOOEY"" - honestly it does!" 1 "The lock is incurably jammed." 1 "The lizard scurries off into some cracks in the ground." 1 "The lizard jumps out, eats the spider and disappears." 1 "The lizard jumps into the cosy casket I am holding." 1 "The lizard is too slippery for me to catch...Oh, blow! It's vanished into a crack in the wall!" 1 "The lizard doesn't like my warm hands!" 1 "The genie looks skyward and says""Easy peasy! You could have madeit something more interesting...anyway, the deed is done"". He fades until I can no longer see him." 1 "The force is nullified by your intensely powerful Majic!" 1 "The dwarf says ""Your luck charm for the day is '"+r$+"'""" 1 "The dwarf says ""Thanks"", takes your money and offers you one ofhis fine scythes." 1 "The dragon has heard me! I'll run back out of the passage and give you time to think of some other way past." 1 "The coin's mystical trail seems to have vanished. I cannot remember where I came from..." 1 "The chain of blankets is hangingdown the edge of the crevasse." 1 "The carpet is only ever used by genuine Wizards who wear auth- entic clothing and know the correct spells." 1 "The carpet begins to rise gently- Hang on! I'm moving now!" 1 "The bottle smashes and a hideousgenie appears from a white mist and strangles me." 1 "The book reads ""RISE AND SHINE""." 1 "The boat crashes into some rocksand I fall into the swirling waters! I am drowning!" 1 "The blankets are knotted and canbe used as a very strong rope" 1 "The Mountain's powerful forces combine and blast me with a ferocity unknown to man!" 1 "Perhaps you should tell me if I should be pulling or pushing!" 1 "Paths go " 1 "PHOOEY to you too! I could easily fall out with you if you carry on like this..." 1 "Magic Car Pet Fly" 1 "It's too dark, really." 1 "It's already dead." 1 "I only wish I could do that..." 1 "I need to find a way of clearingthe path to the south." 1 "I know of many places and you can guide me by telling me whichdirection you want me to move. You only need to type the first letter of the direction, e.g. ""GO NORTH"" can be entered as ""N""" 1 "I caught the dragon unaware and managed to strike a fatal blow! It is now dead." 1 "I can't read the words - they seem fuzzy and indistinct." 1 "I can't go that way since the lock on the door has been well and truly jammed (you fool!)." 1 "I can only sense the mystical trail left by the coin when it has been spent." 1 "I can only do that by sensing the coin's mystical trail." 1 "I can just manage to reach the rope." 1 "I am on the southern edge of a vast crevasse. There is a ven- ding machine here!" 1 "I am on the northern edge of a vast crevasse. It is too wide and gloomy for me to see the other side."''"A chain of knotted blankets is hanging down over the edge." 1 "I am on the north bank of a wideriver. To the west is the ScrollBearer's path." 1 "I am at the edge of a fissure.": 1 "How singularly uninteresting." 1 "HOW STUPID! Killing the dragon without a weapon! It has burnt me to a frazzle!" 1 "Can't you see? It's not locked!" 1 "At all times, try to put your- self in my position to decide what you want me to do next." 1 "Are you trying to make me open this steel door?" 1 "Answer YES or NO:"; 1 "An evil force prevents me from going any further." 1 "A stealthy thrust!" 1 "A rope hangs just out of my reach." 1 "A rectangular shape sounds as ifit could be a door!" 1 "A genie appears in a white mist,bows to me and says ""Oh Master, I may grant thee one wish!"" He looks a bit thick, but I'd better humour him. Let me know what your wish should be..." 1 "''"You must try to enter the Moun- tain and recover the ancient Scroll of Wisdom."'" Guide me with short sentences such as GET THE SHOES. Direct meusing NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP or DOWN." 1 """What a crummy wish! I can't be bothered with an ignoramus like you!"" and he vanishes in a puff of smoke that has a rather familiar and unpleasant smell." 1 """Don't you dare!"" snarls the dwarf. ""You'll only steal one over my dead body!""" 1 " You can see your score by entering SCORE - the top score is 1600." 1 " You can see your score at any time by typing SCORE. The max- imum score is 1600 and this is achieved by overcoming the many obstacles that will stand in our way in the quest to find theScroll of Wisdom." 1 " You can QUIT if you've had enough, or LOOK if you need to be reminded of your surroun- dings." 1 " Remember that cave passages andpaths through forests turn a lotso that moving north from one place does not always mean entering the next from the south." 1 " I know many words (over 70!) e.g.: GET, DROP, LOOK, LIST, USEQUIT." 1 " I can understand many words - roughly 100 - for example: LOOK,QUIT, GET, LIST, DROP, USE. If Ido not understand you I will sayso." 1 " As this is a long game, you maysave it on tape when you quit."'' 1 lizard A deadly spider! A book of magic words A box of matches A portable dinghy A parchment of spells Firebeater, the Sword! A stone slab 3 keys labelled A,B,C A pair of oars A brass lantern A shining lantern A lizard in a casket A pile of blankets Some knotted blankets 1 coin! A Wizard's hat A Wizard's hat (worn) A pair of soft shoes A pair of shoes (worn) A quill pen A rather sharp scythe A Majic Carpet! A corked bottle The Scroll of Wisdom! A 1 OR I MAY BE IN TROUBLE 1 2L8#M<#L<#K<" 1 **** Magic Mountain **** 1 Magic Mountain 1 By Mike Farley 1 START LINE 1 Spectrum Version 1 What do you think Tarzan would do to get across the ravine in these circumstances?"